Thursday, November 20, 2008

Android workshop at Mobile Dev Camp

I was kindly invited by Bubble Foundry's Peter Robinett to give a workshop on Android at Mobile Dev Camp this 29th November 2008 in Amsterdam.
We will be introducing the Android platform and how to start developing applications keeping an eye on Test Driven Development. 
More information and registration can be found at

Looking forward to seeing you.


Unknown said...

Que haces Diego!!!, che te veo por todos lados...sos un capo!!, soy Fabián Silva, chicho, quien trabajó en IN3 con vos...., que después me fui a un partner de SUN.
Tus cosas, en que parte del mundo estás radicado.


Diego Torres Milano said...

Que grande chicho !
Como veras, hoy estoy en Amsterdam dando este workshop sobre Android.
Mandame un email a dtmilano at gmail dot com.

Unknown said...

ok dale por ahi nos conectamos

Ross Xie said...

The positron is a good tool for testing. I am tring to seperate the positron instrumentation to another project because it looks more clear in such dev way:
a project - a.apk such as notepad/contacts/calling etc, maybe we can not update the source code
b project - b.apk contains positron instrumentation to monitor the a project. And change the project package to xxx.tests. such as
Using same package name as a project will replace the installed a.project package :(

When running the instrumentation, system reports:
java.lang.SecurityException: Requires DISABLE_KEYGUARD permission

Could you please help on it?