Android Testing: ContentProvider integration test using mock content
Your application uses a ContentProvider maybe from more than one Activity. You have unit-tested the ContentProvider already using ProviderTestCase2 and in some cases implementing a RenamingDelegatingContext.
But when we try to produce functional or integration tests of your Activities against your ContentProvider it's not so evident what test case to use. The most obvious choice is ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 mainly if your functional tests simulate user experience because you may need sendKeys() or similar methods, which are readily available on these tests.
The first problem you may encounter is that's no clear where to inject a MockContentResolver in your test to be able to use a test database instance or database fixture with your ContentProvider. There's no way to inject a MockContext either.
We have visited Mock Objects before and evaluated Test Driven Development. You may want to take a look if you are not familiar with mock objects on Android.
An alternative approach to this problem is introduced by tenacious33 in Android functional testing with MockContext.
mocking content provider operations
In order to create an ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 and be able to mock content provider operations and optionally use a database fixture we need a different approach.
Binaries and source code of android-mock and MockContentResolverActivity main and test sample projects can be downloaded from |
android-mock is a library encapsulating some of the needed functionality to simplify functional and integration tests of activities that use content providers.
We are introducing the library here and we will be presenting a practical example later.
This is the UML Class Diagram of the library. Green classes belong to android library.
ActivityAndContentProviderInstrumentationTestCase2<T extends Activity, P extends ContentProvider>
This is a functional or integration test of an Activity that uses a MockContextWithMockContentResolver context and uses the specified ContentProvider under tests.
You should extend this class to create your tests and everything will be setup automatically.
During the setup process the abstract method createDatabaseFixture(Context mockContext) is invoked to give you the opportunity of creating your database fixture.
The last step of the setup process invokes your Activity's onCreate() method.
MockContextWithMockContentResolver<P extends ContentProvider>
A mock context, with a mock content resolver using the specified ConentProvider under test. The mock context is a RenamingDelegatingContext that renames file and database operations prefixing them with "test." by default.
This provides a way to inject a ContentResolver into an ActivityAndContentProviderInstrumentationTestCase2 permitting the introduction of database fixtures.
GenericMockContentResolver<P extends ConentProvider>
A generic mock content resolver using the specified ConentProvider under test. This content resolver uses the specified content provider to resolve data for authority.
To demonstrate the use of this library we have an Activity that presents some data using a ContentProvider. They are very simple an similar to other examples with the same functionality. In this case we are using a content provider with authority on a simple table Samples.AUTHORITY.
Our Activity in the following example is MyMockContentResolverActivity and the content provider is MyContentProvider.
We will concentrate now on the tests.
content provider unit tests
This tests will be as usual implemented using ProviderTestCase2<P>. This is pretty standard so we are not pay much attention to it.
We reach the point. MyMockContentResolverActivityTests class implements the tests extending ActivityAndContentProviderInstrumentationTestCase2 and specifying the Activity and ContentProvider under test as well as the authority, Samples.AUTHORITY in this particular example.
These tests can be run completely isolated from real data, so you can be confident and exercise your database through your Activity not worrying about your real data.
Firstly, the database is cleaned up to start the test from a know base. Strictly speaking this could not be necessary but we prefer to err on the safe side.
Secondly, a single row is inserted to materialize our fixture.
Remember this is an abstract method in ActivityAndContentProviderInstrumentationTestCase2.
Simple test, just to verify that our database fixture is correct.
Verify that our Activity has been created correctly and everything is in place.
Functional test, we verify the data presented in the Activity, check that the information is the expected one and finally we send key events simulating user interaction.
In this test we are not using the ContentResolver nor the database directly and we see everything from the Activity's perspective.
Though this is an oversimplified example it shows the most important concepts behind android-mock library classes and how you can implement your tests relying on it.
Though this is an oversimplified example it shows the most important concepts behind android-mock library classes and how you can implement your tests relying on it.Comments are gladly welcome.
Copyright © 2009 Diego Torres Milano. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2009 Diego Torres Milano. All rights reserved.