Saturday, January 12, 2019

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

As of December 2018, AndroidViewClient/culebra reached 500,000 downloads from PyPi alone.
Thanks to all who made it possible.
One of the most important items in the roadmap for 2019 is the long-awaited migration to Python 3. Stay tuned and happy testing.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Testing Android voice apps automatically

Let’s review AndroidViewClient/culebra concertina mode features, compare them with monkey, and see how we can use those features to test voice based UIs or Alexa Skills.

Unlike monkey, which sends pseudo-random events, Culebra concertina mode analyzes the content of the screen and randomly selects a suitable event or action for the also randomly chosen target, usually a View.
Also, unlike monkey, the generated actions and their parameters are saved in a python script that can be later executed as many times as needed.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Testing Alexa Skills — Autogenerated tests

You almost finished your Amazon Alexa Skill and are now started the quest for the Holy Grail of Alexa Testing. Now, you are desperately searching for a way to automate it. Even, googling it gave no obvious outcome.
Fortunately, your search is over.

Now we will be analyzing how we can automate the code generation of such tests. Because some of the details needed to create the tests are available in the Skill’s Interaction Model, we will leverage this to reduce to a bare minimum the information that you have to provide to create a test.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Testing Alexa Skills — The grail quest

You almost finished your Amazon Alexa Skill and are now started the quest for the Holy Grail of Alexa Testing. Now, you are desperately searching for a way to automate it. Even, googling it gave no obvious outcome.
Fortunately, your search is over.

Read the article on medium:

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Creating conversational AWS Lex Bot tests

There exist several ways of testing Amazon AWS Lex Bots, however, either they are manual or require low-level use of the PostContent method. We will introduce here a way of automating part of the process using python.
Read the article at creating-conversational-aws-lex-bot-tests

Monday, October 23, 2017

AndroidViewClient/culebra reached 300,000 downloads

AndroidViewClient/culebra reached 300.000 downloads this month. After some time flying blind, since PyPi statistic stopped working some time ago, this great surprise was awaiting when the counts were restored, now implemented using BigQuery.

Thanks to all who made it possible.